what is Huet Brothers hb pictures sweety auto

Paul (1971) and Tino (1975) Huet, the two brothers. They consider themselves extremely lucky having grown up among classic Alfa’s and vintage Bugatti’s. That’s why they love the sound of a smooth operating engine, and being one with a machine. It is very hard to explain what it’s like to take a Bugatti type 35C through the Swiss Alps. It’s probably even more difficult to get your hands on one. Same goes for all the one-off special bodied Le Mans-cars from the 50’s. Paul and Tino call them ‘untouchables’. That’s why they decided to build their own - the HB Special.

In 1998 Paul and Tino founded the company Classic Rally Events. Since then, they have organised over 200 rallies for corporate clients, so they are no newcomers to the hospitality business. These classic car rallies form the basis for their new adventure; the HB Experience.


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