Top 10 Secrets to reduce gasoline consumption

10 Ways to Reduce Your Fuel Costs

If the price of oil continues to rise inexorably, we try at least to limit the damage by following some simple steps. Let's look:

* Style guide: accelerating gently, avoiding the departures rocket, and then proceed with the highest gear possible and constant speed. Do not change frequently, traveling to the fourth or fifth gear in town. Adopt a style of perception, pointing out that the continuous use of brakes dissipate energy. Where possible, use the brake-motor. These simple measures can save you up to 10-20% of fuel.
* Do not accelerate if you see a tail on the horizon, but let go of the machine inertia in order to save fuel and brakes. Same goes for the slopes: if possible, high gear without touching the accelerator or brake motor.
* Remove heavy objects out of the car is unusable: Remember that fuel consumption rises by 10-15% with the rack empty (ruin the aerodynamics) and also twice with roof racks loaded. Addition, the rear carrier should not be used as a closet: a kilo less will save many euros.
* Keep open the windows or the sunroof in the features extra-urban acts as brake on the car, pushing up fuel consumption. Open it only for the time required for air exchange in the cockpit.
* The tire pressure affects fuel consumption and increases tire wear. Deflated tires have more friction with the asphalt by acting as a brake to the motion of the car. It 'a good idea to check the tire pressure at least every two weeks.
* A good automobile maintenance is the secret to contain the fuel consumption. A few examples follow. A clogged air filter increases the consumption of 10-15%. Similarly, lubricating oil too old involves a greater effort to the engine to work. Convergence wrong wheel increases the friction with the road. E 'therefore advisable to plan an annual check up at the authorized workshops by asking complete control of the car.
* Turn off the engine if congestion in theory would agree even if you just stand still for about twenty seconds, provided that the engine is already warm.
* All electrical equipment consume fuel: the case of the stereo, heating incorporated in the seats and air conditioning (to be used only when absolutely necessary, turn it occasionally in winter). To produce a kilowatt of electricity is almost 1 liter of fuel.
* Avoid higher speeds: car launched at 160 km / h consumes about 45% more than 120 km / h.
* When possible, go on foot or use the bicycle will benefit your body too.

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