VW Single Cab Amarok: A little look quite nice

VW Single Cab  Amarok: A little look quite nice
VW Single Cab  Amarok: A little look quite nice
Rather successful this new version of Amarok in this definition VW Single Cab which will added to the Double Cab version, which we already know a few weeks. At the sight of this first photo, we almost entered and seduced by the quick look to pick up the U.S. that emerges from this new pick-up Volkswagen.

The loading area in the dumpster and saw its length increased and can sésormais load over an area of 2205 mx 1.55 m (1.55 mx 1.62 m vs. the double cab version). The Amarok will be available in 2 and 4WD versions with two 2.0 L TDI engine, ie in 122 hp and 163 hp. This new proposal will also pick up VW's arrival later version "utilitarian" bumper without paint, aluminum rims or without beautiful metallic paint and these versions are, to a more professional clientele who loved the past, the Taro designed based on Toyota.

The new Single Cab Pick Up Amarok 'should reach the European market during the first half of 2011 with a degree of proper equipment at the entry level (4 airbags, ESP, gearbox for 4WD version). Prices are as yet unknown but we will follow with interest the arrival of the pick up that could shake up some lines on the market.

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