Ariel Atom - a concept car with a nuclear reactor

Ariel Atom - a concept car with a nuclear reactor
Ariel Atom - a concept car with a nuclear reactor
Ariel Atom - a concept car with a nuclear reactor
Ariel Atom - a concept car with a nuclear reactor
Whatever was said, but nuclear energy - the future of mankind. And after several decades of atomic can be not only plants and submarines, but also, for example, cars. That's so says the designer, who created the concept car Ariel Atom, a nuclear engine.
Engineers of the largest automobile corporations in the world for decades now think about how to increase battery capacity on electric vehicles, to accelerate its charging and reduce energy consumption by the machine itself. But it turns out - these are all temporary measures. Indeed, in the not too distant future, this is not required, and each car will be equipped with its own small nuclear reactor, from which it will work.
Anyway, the concept is such an atomic car named Ariel Atom and created a Singapore designer, Muhammad Imran . Idea is certainly interesting. First and foremost, in terms of ecology. After all, these cars will not be completely disposed of any hazardous substances to the atmosphere, as do not throw their modern nuclear power plants operating without an accident.
True, about the cost savings is not all clear. Of course, the nuclear reactor in the car - it is virtually inexhaustible source of energy, and because the owner Ariel Atom does not have to buy fuel for cars. But the reactor itself will cost a fortune. Unless, of course, in the future it will not learn to do the same relatively simple and cheap as the engines of modern cars.


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