Pre-Hall New York 2011 : 2012 Fiat 500C photos and details

Just a few days of the Automobile Salon in New York, Chrysler has shown the first official pictures of the little Fiat 500C specific United States, Canada and Mexico. Will be assembled in the latter country with his brother closed.

Without giving too much explanation in the brief press release, we can only say that the operation of the roof is like that of the European version, which could alter his position even in place as long as does not exceed a certain speed. Finished on flexible canvas, is seen in its entirety touch of a button in a few seconds. In the aforementioned markets the 500C can be combined with 14 colors for your body, three to the canvas and no fewer than 12 different types of upholstery and color depending on the chosen material.

Although nothing is said about the engine, we assume that will be associated with known Fine 1.4i 105 hp six-speed manual gearbox or an automatic with the same number of relationships.


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