Brammo announced a new electric bike with a six-speed gearbox

The company reported Brammo engaged in production of motorcycles, announced its partnership with the firm SMRE, in which first became available in patented technology Integrated Electric Transmission (IET). The result came to light two new bikes - ENgage and Encite, feature is the drive and six-speed gearbox.

Delve into the features of the technology IET will not, we note only that it includes a traditional internal combustion engine coupled with an electric motor, so bikes are more energy efficient without loss of performance.

Value Brammo ENgage listed below:

Engage MX is an off-road motorcycles, competing with MiniMotoSX, whose price starts at 9,995 dollars;
Engage SMR - it's Super Moto Racing, estimated in 9995 dollars;
Engage SMS - Super Moto Street, the expected price of 11,995 dollars.

There is also a fourth kind - Brammo Encite MMX PRO, which can be described as a mini-terrain bike, capable of competing with MiniMotoSX, but its cost is not known yet. Models Engage and Encite join the existing market and Enertia Empulse.

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